Should I Bid - Evaluate any RFP in no time | Product Hunt

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Instantly evaluate any Request for Proposals.
Highlight your business' strengths and weaknesses & build the right narrative to win.

Sales people should be spent selling.
We help your team move faster & increase win rates.

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Send any RFP for evaluation
Get a perfect assessment based on your business preferences

How it works

Configuration & privacy

We configure your account in a few minutes, so that every RFP is evaluated according to your specific business requirements, strategies and specialities.

You can modify this information at any time.

We sign NDAs and guarantee absolute confidentiality of your information. The information you entrust us with is never shared. You can delete it whenever you want.

Analyse RFPs

Send any RFP of interest. Our AI process and evaluate them for you, based on your specific parameters.

A special AI validation is done at the end, so you can trust our answers and decide with conviction.

Chat with your RFP assistant

We return an executive summary highlighting the strategic informations and critical questions you might need to ask the issuing organization.

You can follow-up with questions. Without ever leaving your email inbox.

Bid with confidence.
Improve with usage.

Like any assistant, our AI RFP assistant becomes better as you use it. It learns from your preferences and adjust its answers style with feedback.

Frequently asked questions

Is this customizable to my business?

Yes, we use your website, interviews and your past proposals to calibrate our AI to your sales proposal process.

What's your data and privacy policy?

If you are using our servers, we will remove any information you ask us to remove. We don't share your information to anyone.
For a fee, we can deploy our technology into your own private cloud environment.

What kind of businesses do you work with?

Mainly enterprise SaaS, tech-enabled service businesses and IT consulting firms. But just because they represent the bulk of our customers doesn't mean we can't work in the Telecom or Oil & mining industry... We can work with any other industry, just ask us.

How much is it?

Pricing starts at 349$ a month. Or you can buy a bank of RFP evaluation credits starting at 800$.

Can I customize the system further for my specific needs?

Yes, ask us.

Data we handle is located in East of Canada. We can host your environment in a USA location as well. Just ask us.

Edouard Reinach and Gabriel Lesperance. Two award-winning technology entrepreneurs with a passion for simple assistive tools.

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